We sat down and asked Kim Sterritt some questions about her new role, her favorite thing about AHEPPP, and what family means to her!
What led you to your role with AHEPPP?
During my 20 years in higher education, I was a family engagement practitioner for 11 of those years spread over 2 different campuses. While I loved family engagement work, mid last year, I knew that it was time for a change of scenery for me professionally. As I left my campus position, AHEPPP posted a part-time position that would allow me a new set of challenges while also allowing me to stay connected to family engagement work. Lindsay McKinney hired me to work on expanding membership and assist as I could with her very full plate. I immediately started learning all I could about a new side of an association that I was very familiar with as a long-time member. As Lindsay transitioned out of the executive director role, the Board asked me to serve as interim. I was glad to accept the opportunity and challenge.
What is your favorite thing about serving as AHEPPP’s Executive Director?
Well, I am only 6 weeks into the role but am loving it so far. I love that the opportunities for growth, innovation, and connection are countless and only limited by the amount of time in a day. I love the quick interactions to help solve issues for our amazing members via email and I love the bigger conversations like dreaming up new ideas for our annual conference with the conference committee or new partnerships for the Association. I learn something new every single day and keep my focus on moving the association forward and supporting members as best we can.
What do you believe is the most valuable aspect of AHEPPP?
The value that I got as a campus-based member was through innumerable ideas exchanged and endless support from fellow AHEPPP members. I took full advantage of the educational opportunities offered by AHEPPP through webinars, virtual discussions, and the annual conference. In the time between those opportunities, if I was facing a challenge or had a question, solutions and support were only an email/community post away.
What does “family” mean to you?
"Family" to me are your "people". They are the ones who are your soft place to land, who support you as you support them. They are the people with whom you want to celebrate the good stuff and who will console you during the challenging times.