Top Seven Reasons to Submit an Educational Program Proposal

Program proposals are due soon for the AHEPPP 2021 National Virtual Conference. Just in case you’re not yet convinced you should submit our Conference Team has compiled the top SEVENish reasons to submit a program proposal. 

1. Your family engagement colleagues are counting on you for inspiration and refreshing ideas.

2. You can get national exposure to that idea that worked so well on your campus.

3. The proposal submission form is straightforward and easy to complete.

4. Presenting can help you justify funding conference registration.

5. Developing the proposal is a great reason to reach out to that AHEPPP friend you haven’t talked to since we were together in Portland to co-present!

6. Submitting now means that you can avoid the regret you’d feel if you didn’t submit that idea or initiative that works so well on your campus.

7. Presenting (or submitting) is a great discussion point during your annual review meeting.

And a bonus reason for the introverts in the Association: 

8. You can share your ideas without standing in front of a room of people!



Mark Pontious, Ph.D. is the Director of Parent & Family Programs at Miami University and a Programs Co-Chair for the 2021 National Virtual Conference. 

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